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The Clarion Online


Issue 6, Summer 2009

This is the sixth online version of the Clarion which I’ve edited (ably and generously supported on the technical front by my elder son Christopher – thanks, Chris!).  Although I certainly haven’t stopped enjoying the job, I’ve decided at this point that it would probably be appropriate to hand the editorship on to another (perhaps younger) pair of hands! As this is my last issue I’m allowing myself to contribute a couple of short items – a few impressions of the 2008 conference in Aix-en-Provence and a few thoughts on a recent visit to China. In addition in this issue there is a set of photos from Aix, courtesy of SLA researcher and art photographer Agnieszka Skrzypek, a brief account of the preparations for EUROSLA 19 from the conference’s principal organizer, Martin Howard, and a most interesting little overview of the SLA scene in Japan from EUROSLA regular, Chise Kasai. Enjoy!

Thank you, dear colleagues, for all the support you've given me over the last six years. I hope you'll be equally supportive towards my successor, whoever she or he may be, to whom I offer my very warmest wishes.

David Singleton

Articles and Images
Please follow the links below to access individual items.

Images from EUROSLA 18 - click here.

Impressions of Aix
David Singleton's thoughts on EUROSLA 18 - click here.

News on the forthcoming conference - click here.

A Visit to China
David Singleton's recent expedition to China - click here.

Second Language Acquisition Research in Japan
Chise Kasai's overview of SLA research in her homeland - click here.